Nonprofit workshops

Nonprofit Workshops

We believe in the power of spreading the gospel of art.

We know the impact that art can have in people's lives, that’s why we seek to collaborate and generate projects that allow us to get closer to vulnerable and dissident communities.


La Cana

In collaboration with La Cana, we designed a watercolor and self portrait workshop that was held at the female correctional facility Santa Martha Acatitla in Mexico City, where the inmates were invited to explore the technique and draw themselves emphasizing the parts of their bodies they like the most as in a rehumanizing exercise to remember their identity as women.

You can know more about La Cana mision here.


Voces de mi Madre Tierra

As part of the research stage of the Voces de mi Madre Tierra book, we bonded with the originary community of Chabeclumil, Chiapas through workshops where children and young people were invited to explore their creative side through drawing, writing and watercolor. The kids were provided with supplies to enable them to create their own spaces to express themselves and free their creativity. Younger adults participated in a Self Publishing workshop where we led them step by step on how to write their own stories, design a layout, create images and bind their publications. Most importantly, they were able to share their publications between themselves and their community.

You can see our complete project here.